рые не могли воспитываться в своих семьях. Но как и в любом детдоме всегда находятся преступники, которые пользуются беззащитностью детей. Речь в извинениях шла именно об этом. О том, что государство недостаточно хорошо занималось этой проблемой, а не о том, что государство творило что-то плохое с детьми, как это пыталась представить Алика.
Алика была права на 100%!!!!!
Ты внимательно прочитал эту статью????
А как ты объяснишь или оправдаешь это?
Я специально не заспойлира! Здесь свидетельства оставшихся в живых детей,выживших после их транспортировки на кораблях,где сразу на борту началось насилие детей!
“We have heard evidence that members of the Christian Brothers came over to the UK to choose children and we have also heard allegations that those chaperoning the children began the abuse on the boat over to Australia.
“The Government should now begin a full judicial inquiry into how thousands of British children, many with families in the UK, were forcibly repatriated to face appalling brutalities on the other side of the world.”
David Hinchliffe, the chairman of Britain’s inquiry into the forced migration of thousands of children and former L
abour MP for Wakefield, told the Times that a full judicial inquiry into child migration was needed to establish what was the legal basis for the scheme and whether child migrants should be compensated for the harm suffered.
Norman Johnston, chairman of the International Association of Former Child Migrants, told the Times that his organisation suspected that British institutions
tried to cover up sexual abuse by forcing abused children abroad.
He said: “We suspect that . . . many of those children were trafficked because of the abuses that happened to them.”
Child migrant Peter Bagshaw (66) who lives in Perth explained how staff in institutions in Lincolnshire and later Cornwall sexually abused him.
“It happened probably once a week. Being so young, there was nothing I could do about it. You got told not to talk about it,”
Mr Bagshaw, 66, told the Times that t
he sexual abuse continued until he was 14 when he was told he was being sent to Australia. He was overjoyed to be escaping his tormenters.
On arrival at Fairbridge Farm School, in Pinjarra, Western Australia, however, he discovered that child migrants were used as cheap labour. He was put to work from 3am each day. A staff member also sexually abused him.
Michael O’Donoghue told the Times that his abus
e started when he was five at Nazareth House in Romsey, Hampshire. “It was done by a teacher,” he said. “It was done regularly in the toilets and the dormitory.” Ребёнку было всего 5 лет,когда началось насилие!!!!Везде : в туалетах,в жилых комнатах....
Мало того ,что они детей использовали ,как дешевую раб.силу,так дети были для них ещё и сексрабами!!!! И ,что ты на это скажешь? Это не Роспропаганда!