Ох большая, особенно когда насмотрелся этого у вас в России в начале 80ых и на УралеА что постишь? Точно ностальгия замучала.упаси![]()
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Ох большая, особенно когда насмотрелся этого у вас в России в начале 80ых и на УралеА что постишь? Точно ностальгия замучала.упаси![]()
On November 2nd 2016 one of the most legendary and decorated United States intelligence agents came forward on behalf of the intelligence community with a historical message to the American People. This is the man who inspired the character "Jack Ryan" in the Tom Clancy novels and subsequent hit films starring Harrison Ford like "Patriot Games" and "Clear and Present Danger." Before November 2016, Dr. Steve Pieczenik had not been photographed nor shown his face in over 30 years.
The Democrats led by Hillary Clinton attempted a coup to permanently seize control of the United States government. This was not a "military coup" as seen often around the world but a sophisticated well planned out "soft coup" using criminal elements of our government and foreign countries such as China and Saudi Arabia. Through surrogates such as George Soros and others Democrats rigged the primary and attempted to steal the election away from Donald Trump via millions of illegals voting (3+ million confirmed) as well as mass scale voter/election fraud (5 states confirmed stolen by Hillary Clinton via election fraud). Patriotic "white hat" members of our intelligence community seeing what was happening upheld their oaths to protect America from all enemies foreign AND domestic and unraveled their plans by exposing the truth of what was happening to the American people. This was the second American Revolution but, unlike the first, this was not fought with guns/weapons but rather through the internet, social media, and Wikileaks. By the Grace of God Trump's landslide victory was so huge it overcame the millions of illegal votes for Hillary (soon to be prosecuted). It is now conservatively estimated that Trump won the election by 8 million votes in a landslide not seen since Reagan in 1984.
Obama and Hillary want war with Russia for two reasons, enact martial law and or ESPECIALLY because Soros and the New World Order controllers hate Putin for kicking their Rothschild bankers out of Russia and breaking contract with the Rothschild's written in the early 1800's. The Rothschild's made loans in private to countries in financial trouble at compound interest, can't be paid off. When loans defaulted R forced countries to let them run the countries banks, placing R sons in charge - like Dracula in charge of a blood bank. The Czar did not want the banks and signed over mineral rights to the R family. Later in the early 1900's R family let Prince Bernhardt of Royal Dutch Netherlands handle the mineral - oil. Royal Dutch Shell Oil Corporation was formed and up until Putin Russian oil and other minerals was stolen by the R family. THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS VERY PISSED AT PUTIN. He told the R's no more will you steal our resources.
- Determining Relatve Airport Threats from News and Social Media, in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Innovative Applications of AI (IAAI'17), San Francisco, CA, Feb 2017 (with R. Khandpur and others). [PDF]
- Temporal Topic Modeling to Assess Associations between News Trends and Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Nature Scientific Reports, Vol 7, No. 40841, 2017 (with S. Ghosh and others). [PDF]
- Predicting the Shape and Peak Time of News Article Views, in Proceedings of the IEEE BigData Workshop on Real-time and Stream Analytics in Big Data, 2016 (with Y. Keneshloo and others). [PDF]
- Multi-resolution Spatial Event Forecasting in Social Media, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'16), Barcelona, Spain, Dec 2016 (with L. Zhao and others). [PDF]
- Online Spatial Event Forecasting in Microblogs, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov 2016 (with L. Zhao and others). [PDF]
- Causality-based Sensemaking of Network Traffic for Android Application Security, in Proceedings of the 9th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security (AISec 2016) (with H. Zhang and D. Yao). [PDF]
- Characterizing Diseases from Unstructured Text: A Vocabulary Driven word2vec Approach, in Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), Indianapolis, IN, Oct 2016 (with S. Ghosh and others). [PDF]
- A Multiple Instance Learning Framework for Identifying Key Sentences and Detecting Events, in Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), Indianapolis, IN, Oct 2016 (with W. Wang and others). [PDF]
- Automated Storyline Generation with help from Twitter, in Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), Indianapolis, IN, Oct 2016 (with T. Hua and others). [PDF]
- Growing pains for Global Monitoring of Social Events, Science, Vol. 353, No. 6307, pages 1502-1503, Sep 2016 (with W. Wang and others). [PDF]
- Capturing Planned Protests from Open Source Indicators, AI Magazine, 2016 (with S. Muthiah and others). [PDF]
- EMBERS at 4 years: Experiences operating an Open Source Indicators Forecasting System, in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'16), San Francisco, CA, Aug 2016 (with S. Muthiah and others). [PDF]
- EMBERS AutoGSR: Automated Coding of Civil Unrest Events, in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'16), San Francisco, CA, Aug 2016 (with P. Saraf). [PDF]
- Hierarchical Incomplete Multi-source Feature Learning for Spatiotemporal Event Forecasting, in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'16), San Francisco, CA, Aug 2016 (with L. Zhao and others). [PDF]
- Modeling Precursors for Event Forecasting via Nested Multi-Instance Learning, in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'16), San Francisco, CA, Aug 2016 (with Y. Ning and others). [PDF]
- Multi-source Models for Civil Unrest Forecasting, Social Network Analysis and Mining, Vol 6. No. 1, July 2016 (with G. Korkmaz and others).
- Time-Series Analysis of Blog and Metaphor Dynamics for Event Detection, in Proceedings of the Cross-Cultural Decision-Making (CCDM) Conference, Orlando, FL, July 2016 (with B.J. Goode and others). Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award. [PDF]
- Event Detection from Blogs using Large Scale Analysis of Metaphorical Usage, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BriMS) Washington, DC, June-July 2016 (with B.J. Goode and others). [PDF]
- Kalman Filters for Dynamic and Secure Smart Grid State Estimation, Intelligent Industrial Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, pages 29-36, June 2016 (with J. Zhang and others).
- Seeing the Forest for the Trees: New Approaches to Forecasting Cascades, Proceedings of the 8th International ACM Web Science Conference 2016 (ACM WebSci'16), Hanover, Germany, May 2016. (with S. Krishnan and others). [PDF]
- Predicting the Popularity of News Articles, in Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'16), Miami, FL, May 2016 (with Y. Keneshloo and others). [PDF]
- Usability Challenges underlying Bicluster Interaction for Sensemaking, in Proceedings of the Human Centred Machine Learning Workshop, CHI 2016, San Jose, May 2016 (with M. Sun and others). [PDF]
- Topical Analysis of Interactions between News and Social Media, in Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'16), Phoenix, AZ, Feb 2016 (with T. Hua and others). [PDF]
- Efficient Nonparametric Subgraph Detection using Tree Shaped Priors, in Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'16), Phoenix, AZ, Feb 2016 (with F. Chen and others). [PDF]
- Inferring Multi-dimensional Ideal Points for US Supreme Court Justices, in Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'16), Phoenix, AZ, Feb 2016 (with M. Islam and others). [PDF]
Работа в этом направлении ведётся. Трамп соврать не даст!Если Путин такой всесильный, то почему он отменил еще санкций?
А вообще- парадокс, некоторые европейские санкции и, как результат, наши контрсанкции, оказывают положительный эффект на экономику РФ.![]()
Встаньте уже "с колен"... не подобает себя так вести! Смит, если Вы всё сами хорошо понимаете, чего тогда дурью маетесь бесперебойно? Другим покоя не даёте.О! Капитан очевидность проснулся.Без власти Путин среднестатистический россиянин, с человеческими качествами(характеристиками), которые не являются исключительными и тем более абсолютными.
А мы все тут думали что Путин это Бог! Ты открыл нам глаза. Теперь ты наш кумир! Не Путин, а ты!![]()
Можно встать? Благодарю, о Генералисимус Очевидность!Работа в этом направлении ведётся. Трамп соврать не даст!Если Путин такой всесильный, то почему он отменил еще санкций?
А вообще- парадокс, некоторые европейские санкции и, как результат, наши контрсанкции, оказывают положительный эффект на экономику РФ.
Встаньте уже "с колен"... не подобает себя так вести! Смит, если Вы всё сами хорошо понимаете, чего тогда дурью маетесь бесперебойно? Другим покоя не даёте.О! Капитан очевидность проснулся.Без власти Путин среднестатистический россиянин, с человеческими качествами(характеристиками), которые не являются исключительными и тем более абсолютными.
А мы все тут думали что Путин это Бог! Ты открыл нам глаза. Теперь ты наш кумир! Не Путин, а ты!![]()
Возможно понятен, возможно нет...Можно встать? Благодарю, о Генералисимус Очевидность!Работа в этом направлении ведётся. Трамп соврать не даст!
А вообще- парадокс, некоторые европейские санкции и, как результат, наши контрсанкции, оказывают положительный эффект на экономику РФ.
Встаньте уже "с колен"... не подобает себя так вести! Смит, если Вы всё сами хорошо понимаете, чего тогда дурью маетесь бесперебойно? Другим покоя не даёте.О! Капитан очевидность проснулся.
А мы все тут думали что Путин это Бог! Ты открыл нам глаза. Теперь ты наш кумир! Не Путин, а ты!![]()
А другим покоя не даю, ибо хорошо понимаю. Надеюсь, Вам понятен мой ответ?
Ок. Я вас понял.Не знаю, не уверен, смит, смогу ли правильно понять Вас в дальнейшем, если диалог будет проходить в таком же русле.