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Не могу. Москаль и ватник.Попрыгай
Не копайтесь в себе так глубоко, иначе превратитесь в песочницуНе могу. Москаль и ватник.Попрыгай
Love how they state "moderate" rebels - no one believes you anymore.
What sane person even believes these sleazy, corrupt politicians anymore. Russia is our enemy maybe to the phony elites it is but not the people
Congress needs to mobilized the military to storm the WH and arrest the Kenyan Muslim Monkey (and big Mike) along with Kerry and lock them up until Jan 20 so they cannot do further damage.
Obama has done nothing good for America nothing all the good things you hear about him is all propaganda he is done no good at all for the American people
No ceasefire. Finish them off. Moderate terrorist is a radical terrorist in training, supported and financed by me an American taxpayer. I sick of paying 40% in taxes to this O'Bummer government that sponsors terrorism. DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!
The US is getting desperate now their "moderate" terrorist Proxies are loosing. Ramping up the pressure for a cease-fire so they can re-arm them and pre-long the Blood Bath. Hopefully Trump will end this madness
if i were Russian i'd be worried too. they're being blamed for everything by our political hacks with no evidence whatsoever. seems the US always has to have a boogeyman to keep their brand of terror rolling along.
I'm fairly certain ...The current American government wants Assad out only because he won't sell his country's oil cheap enough to the U.S. It's never really been about human rights (which they always claim). Now they're going to build up forces on the Russian border in order to try and bully Russia.
John Kerry is a liar, Russia has permission from Syria to help defeat Isis p.s. once Obama and Kerry are out the way Isis won't last long
reading the comments im really happy to see conservatives waking up to our bullshit foreign policy in the middle east. we send guns and weapons over seas only so they fall in the hands of isis and continue a war that should have been sqaushed years ago! assad maybe not a good leader but hes trying to kill isis and we should help him!
The Rebels have ran out of Clinton Cash
Moderate Islamic Terrorism being supported by Obama and Carey should quickly resolve this middle eastern cluster fuck which Hillery started
Народ пишет комменты на новость
Love how they state "moderate" rebels - no one believes you anymore.
What sane person even believes these sleazy, corrupt politicians anymore. Russia is our enemy maybe to the phony elites it is but not the people
Congress needs to mobilized the military to storm the WH and arrest the Kenyan Muslim Monkey (and big Mike) along with Kerry and lock them up until Jan 20 so they cannot do further damage.
Obama has done nothing good for America nothing all the good things you hear about him is all propaganda he is done no good at all for the American people
No ceasefire. Finish them off. Moderate terrorist is a radical terrorist in training, supported and financed by me an American taxpayer. I sick of paying 40% in taxes to this O'Bummer government that sponsors terrorism. DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!
The US is getting desperate now their "moderate" terrorist Proxies are loosing. Ramping up the pressure for a cease-fire so they can re-arm them and pre-long the Blood Bath. Hopefully Trump will end this madness
if i were Russian i'd be worried too. they're being blamed for everything by our political hacks with no evidence whatsoever. seems the US always has to have a boogeyman to keep their brand of terror rolling along.
I'm fairly certain ...The current American government wants Assad out only because he won't sell his country's oil cheap enough to the U.S. It's never really been about human rights (which they always claim). Now they're going to build up forces on the Russian border in order to try and bully Russia.
John Kerry is a liar, Russia has permission from Syria to help defeat Isis p.s. once Obama and Kerry are out the way Isis won't last long
reading the comments im really happy to see conservatives waking up to our bullshit foreign policy in the middle east. we send guns and weapons over seas only so they fall in the hands of isis and continue a war that should have been sqaushed years ago! assad maybe not a good leader but hes trying to kill isis and we should help him!
The Rebels have ran out of Clinton Cash
Moderate Islamic Terrorism being supported by Obama and Carey should quickly resolve this middle eastern cluster fuck which Hillery started
Народ пишет комменты на новость
Love how they state "moderate" rebels - no one believes you anymore.
What sane person even believes these sleazy, corrupt politicians anymore. Russia is our enemy maybe to the phony elites it is but not the people
Congress needs to mobilized the military to storm the WH and arrest the Kenyan Muslim Monkey (and big Mike) along with Kerry and lock them up until Jan 20 so they cannot do further damage.
Obama has done nothing good for America nothing all the good things you hear about him is all propaganda he is done no good at all for the American people
No ceasefire. Finish them off. Moderate terrorist is a radical terrorist in training, supported and financed by me an American taxpayer. I sick of paying 40% in taxes to this O'Bummer government that sponsors terrorism. DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!
The US is getting desperate now their "moderate" terrorist Proxies are loosing. Ramping up the pressure for a cease-fire so they can re-arm them and pre-long the Blood Bath. Hopefully Trump will end this madness
if i were Russian i'd be worried too. they're being blamed for everything by our political hacks with no evidence whatsoever. seems the US always has to have a boogeyman to keep their brand of terror rolling along.
I'm fairly certain ...The current American government wants Assad out only because he won't sell his country's oil cheap enough to the U.S. It's never really been about human rights (which they always claim). Now they're going to build up forces on the Russian border in order to try and bully Russia.
John Kerry is a liar, Russia has permission from Syria to help defeat Isis p.s. once Obama and Kerry are out the way Isis won't last long
reading the comments im really happy to see conservatives waking up to our bullshit foreign policy in the middle east. we send guns and weapons over seas only so they fall in the hands of isis and continue a war that should have been sqaushed years ago! assad maybe not a good leader but hes trying to kill isis and we should help him!
The Rebels have ran out of Clinton Cash
Moderate Islamic Terrorism being supported by Obama and Carey should quickly resolve this middle eastern cluster fuck which Hillery started
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Жалко!Из печального.
Сегодня в калгарийском зоопарке произошло массовое самоубийство пингвинов .Видимо, пингвины, не выдержав разлуки с родиной, утопились прямо в бассейне, или, как только узнали , что их разделят на геев и не геев
Проверяется информация по поводу выходцев из Адлера в Торонто
Главным претендентом на пост госсекретаря США в новой администрации Дональда Трампа, избранного президентом в 2016 году, стал директор нефтяной корпорации ExxonMobil Рекс Тиллерсон. Об этом пишет газета The Wall Street Journal со ссылкой на двух должностных лиц в переходной команде республиканца.
- Стратегическими инвесторами по приватизации акций Роснефти стал консорциум из компаний Glencore и суверенного фонда Катара. В январе 2010 года Натаниэль Филип Ротшильд приобрёл существенную долю Glencore. 19% BP также принадлежат Ротшильдам.
- В свое время, Ходорковский хотел продать Юкос, который потом стал Роснефтью - компании Exxon [1], то бишь Рокфеллерам [2]. Сам он в отсидел и за границей, мешавший сделке с Роснефтью Улюкаев под арестом, а большой кусок Роснефти теперь принадлежит Ротшильдам.
- Рокфеллеры вышли недавно из всех нефтяных активов, и вообще - энергетических в пользу Ротшильдов. Рокфеллеры - олицетворение глобалистов, Ротшильды - изоляционистов (условных). Это подходы к построению мировой финансовой системы. Ходор играл в пользу Рокфеллеров, они все - проиграли.[3]
Паззл из первых двух заметок и третьей совпадает. Рокфеллеры отказались от энергетических активов, Роснефть под Ротшильдами.
А вот с назначением непонятно.
Изоляциони́зм — термин, преимущественно используемый для обозначения направления во внешней политике, в основе которого лежит идея невовлечения в дела иных государств, наций, народов, этносов.
По сути именно то, что декларировал Трамп. Это больше подходит Ротшильдам. Но если Exxon - компания Рокфеллеров, то директор этой компании, получается, работает на их же клан. И при этом он становится госсекретарем США?
Какая то нестыковка. Или напротив, элемент торга, когда разные кланы получают разные должности, на которые сумеют сторговаться?