Серега, оказывается эти цифры гуляют во всю в инете и, похоже, что они никакого отношения к реальности не имеют. Наверное, это ливийский Мединский написал.
Here’s a selection of the Gaddafi lies still working their way around the internet, with my replies beneath each lie. In contrast to Gaddafi's pimps, I have lived and worked in Libya for over 40 years, so I know what I am talking about .
Lie #1. There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.
This is a complete fabrication ‑ Libyans have always had to pay for utilities, including electricity.
Is it true that all newly weds in Libya receive money from the government to buy their first apartment?
As a Libyan, I can tell you no, it's not true.
There is an article that was circulated widely during the 2011 uprising about how wonderful life was in Libya under Qaddafi, and it stated things such as this, and other claims about Libyans getting money for each child they have, free housing, government subsidies, and so on. None of it is true, except for the free health care and almost-free education.
However, the health care is abominable and the majority of Libyans travel to Tunisia or other countries for anything more serious than a hangnail, and while education was free under Qaddafi's rule, students had to undergo heavy indoctrination in his Green Book, and any programs he disagreed with were scrapped.
Actually, living conditions were not very good at all for most people, and most had a hard time making ends meet, finding a place to live, and so on. In reality, because housing was so hard to find and so very expensive when you could find it, it held many young couples back from getting married because they had no place to move to after the wedding.