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Там есть пятисотлетняя история истребления индейцев - геноцид и холокост там зародился.
История есть. Но насильственной стерилизации в недавней истрии нет.

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while Leona Capeless edited the manuscript with a subtle but certain touch.
In addition, Karen Wolny, Scott Lenz, and Laura Brown at Oxford were
most helpful at critical moments when the manuscript was being turned
into a book.
The research and writing of a book such as this is at times an emotionally
draining experience. No one is more aware of that fact than my companion
throughout the ordeal-and for most of the preceding decadeHaunani-
Kay Trask. A politically engaged scholar on the subjects of feminist
theory, colonialism, and the contemporary struggles of indigenous
peoples, as well as a native woman whose own people were almost rendered
extinct within a century following their first contact with the West,
her critical readings of the manuscript were of course invaluable. But more
than that, the examples of her and her people's ongoing resistance to postcolonial
oppression-and the innumerable hours of conversation we have
shared on and around the general topic of this book-have been its primary
and deepest inspiration.

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