Навечно забанен за клинический идиотизм
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А ну ка, ну ка... по каким ты там ссылкам пошёл?Я-то как раз попытался пойти по сылкам. А вот ты явно дальше заголовков и не читаешь. Попробуй открыть те ссылки и почитай.Может и до тебя дойдет, что нифига за теми заголовками не стоит.
По вот этим?
K.B. Patterson and T. Runge, “Smallpox and the Native American,” American Journal of the Medical Sciences 323 (2002): 216-222.
[ii] J. Lawrence, “The Indian Health Service and the Sterilization of Native American Women,” American Indian Quarterly 24 (2000): 400-419.
[iii] Ibid.
[iv] Ibid. Cf. K. Larson, “And Then There Were None,” Christian Century Jan (1997): 61.
[v] Bill Wagner, “Lo the poor and sterilized Indian,” America 136 (1977): 75.
[vi] B. Dillingham, “American Indian Women and IHS Sterilization Practices,” American Indian Journal 3 (1977): 16.
[vii] H. Temkin-Greener, S. J. Kunitz, D. Broudy, M. Haffner, “Surgical fertility regulation among women on the Navaho Indian Reservation, 1972-1978.” American Journal of Public Health 71 (1981) 403-407.
[viii] S. J. Torpy, “Native American Women and Coerced Sterilization: On the Trail of Tears in the 1970s.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 24 (2000): 1-22.
[ix] A. M. Stern, “Sterilized in the name of Public Health: Race, Immigration, and Reproductive Control in Modern California.” American Journal of Public Health 95 (2005): 1128-1138;
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